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Congratulations Dr Granger Avery named to Order of Canada

Dr Granger AveryCongratulations to Dr Granger Avery who has been named to the Order of Canada. 

Dr Avery is an exemplary physician and visionary who has made a positive impact as a medical leader to improve health care for Canadians.

Larry saves the Canadian healthcare system - a musical satire

Dr D. Naismith, Vernon BC, Jun 22, 2022

Larry saves the Canadian Healthcare System imageThis is an enjoyable musical satire. Each episode is five minutes or so and covers different aspects of the healthcare system from the crisis in lack of family doctors to overcrowded emergency departments, patients in hallways and more. An interesting take on the Canadian healthcare system problems and the production is well done judging from the first four episodes released.

Travel chaos on returning to Canada

Across this morning’s National Post front page is emblazoned a headline and picture of travel chaos at Pearson International. This is amplified by several articles on the inside. Our return trajectory from Heathrow to Vancouver via Calgary on June 9th was simply awful. Westjet left London an hour late, which, combined with the delays caused by idiotic government policies on arrival, made us miss our connection to Vancouver.

Tracking Pixel

I learned a new term today: ‘tracking pixel’. Why should you care? Read on:

A tracking pixel is an HTML code snippet which is loaded when a user visits a website or opens an email.

… various information about the user is also transmitted using this method.

An appeal to heal the wounds from the past: 111 years ago, and from the 2021 CMA AGM

September 30, Tweet by Dr. Alika Lafontaine2021

Open letter to CMA Board Chair
and CMA President-Elect.

Dr. Suzanne Strasberg, Board Chair, Canadian Medical Association,

The tweet by Dr. Alika Lafontaine, CMA President-Elect, and your re-tweet of his message leave many physician colleagues with the strong impression that some folks are slow to learn and apply the principles of fair democratic practice. Instead, the content reflects arrogance, bias, and contempt.

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