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What is Bill C-51 about?

Have you been wondering what Bill C-51, the Anti-terrorism Act 2015, is about?

Here's a two minute guide.

Do doctors need legislation to assist patients end of life?

Since the Supreme Court of Canada February 6, 2015 decision on physician assisted suicide the question on people's minds is, "Do physicians need legislation to help them with this ruling?"

The BC Civil Liberties Association ( BCCLA) was quick to allay any fears of a void occurring should new legislation not be enacted by Federal or Provincial Governments reminding that if no action is taken, physician-assisted dying will be regulated in the same manner as other health care matters.

BCCLA provides synopsis of the SCC decision on death with dignity

BCCLA team on the steps of the SCCThe BC Civil Liberties Association has posted a brief synopsis of the Supreme Court of Canada decision on death with dignity.

The BCCLA filed the case in 2011 on behalf of Gloria Taylor, who suffered with ALS, Dr William Schoichet, a family doctor and Ms. Carter and Mr. Johnson from Roberts Creek, BC who accompanied Ms. Carter's 89 year old mother, Kathleen (Kay) Carter, to Switzerland to peacefully end her life.

Canadian Medical Association President Elect



15 JANUARY 2015 

Good Morning, I hope you are well. We are all aware of the politics of medicine in Canada and I believe the CMA could be crucial to the future of the profession for several reasons I won't elaborate here.

As you know it is BC's turn to select the next President of the CMA, and DoBC sent a message this morning asking members to vote on line for the candidate of their choice between 16 January - 23 February 2015.

Is the new BC Health Care Agreement the right medicine for better health care?

Z. Essak, MD - Dec 3, 2014.

In a few days, the three weeks of voting on the new BC health care agreement with doctors will end and the results of the vote will be known.

What have we learned through the process?

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