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Wang v BC Medical Association Judgment Released March 8, 2013

2013-04-05 Vancouver, BC – Z. Essak,

Almost a month has passed since the Judgment Wang v BC Medical Association was released on March 8, 2013. The day the Judgment was released the BCMA Board was in session. The BCMA Board will be meeting again on Saturday April 6, 2013.

The Judgment comes a little more than a year after the 24 days at Trial from January 23 to February 24, 2012 and five years have elapsed since the President’s Letter of February 2, 2008.

Some doctors are saying maybe the Judgment could have been more even-handed in it’s delivery. Some doctors are saying “Dr Wang won but she doesn’t get any relief”. Some doctors are saying “it’s a partial victory” and some doctors are saying “it’s a huge win”.

What has emerged from the Judgment?

The PMA results are in but how much support is there really? - the Simi Sara Show, CKNW

The results of the vote on the 2012 Physician Master Agreement (PMA) are in but how much support is there for it, really?

Listen to The Simi Sara Show July 25, 2012 broadcast on CKNW Radio and the Chorus network.

The show starts with Dr Shelley Ross, BCMA President and host Michael Smyth on the Bill Good Show including an audio clip of Dr Roland Orfaly.

Then Simi Sara speaks with Dr Dennis Karpiak and Dr Zafar Essak.

Here it is.

Bill Good CKNW interview with Dr Essak on why the 2012 PMA should be rejected

For those who would like to hear the Bill Good CKNW interview with Dr Z. Essak on why the 2012 PMA should be rejected, broadcast on July  4, 2012. Here it is.

BC Doctors Urged to Reject the 2012 Physician Master Agreement

Vancouver, BC - July 3, 2012 - Z. Essak, MDReject 2012 PMA

Doctors across British Columbia are being asked to ratify a new Physician Master Agreement (PMA) by July 23, 2012 between the Government and the BC Medical Association.

I am a doctor who has read the new agreement and I am urging all BC doctors to look at the agreement and to reject it. The deadline is fast approaching for doctors in BC to vote on this important matter.

Court Reserves Judgment in Wang v. BC Medical Association and Individuals

Vancouver, BC - June 4, 2012 - Z. Essak

Four years after the controversy arose from the BC Medical Association Board meeting of February 2008 and communications of the BCMA President alleged to be defamatory the matter was heard at Trial in the BC Supreme Court in Vancouver.

The Trial began on January 23, 2012 and though originally scheduled for twenty days was extended for an additional week with a total of twenty-four days of hearings. The Trial hearings ended on February 24, 2012 and the Court reserved Judgment. The Court decision may be released anytime in the next several months.

The Court is to consider not only whether the actions were defamatory but also if there was malice and breach of contract.

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