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What are the fiduciary duties of directors of the BC Medical Association?

Vancouver, BC - Z. Essak, April 22,  2014

The BC Medical Association (BCMA), now rebranding itself as the DoctorsOfBC, is a non-profit Society in BC. It is a voluntary professional association of physicians that purports to represent all BC physicians in negotiations regardless of whether or not physicians choose to be a member.

The 2014 BCMA elections are now underway. Which way are the winds blowing? Are they winds of change? Are they strong enough? Will we see openness, transparency and accountability emerge or continued substitution with opaque communications and marketing?

BC Appeal Court to rule on Qualified Privilege

Vancouver, BC – Z. Essak, March 5, 2014.

Vancouver Courts skylineNext week on March 11th and 12th the BC Appeal Court in Vancouver will be hearing the matter in Wang v BC Medical Association and named Defendants.

Why might this Appeal Court hearing be important to people in all walks of life in BC especially those involved as board directors and members of any non-profit Society, Association, Health Authority, Union and even corporations?

When can members of a Board claim qualified privilege as a defense for what they do?

Qualified privilege is a special privilege for those in positions of authority or trust. When does qualified privilege apply and when are actions simply an abuse of privilege, position, or power?

Is the CPSBC requirement for drivers licence information really necessary?

Fingerprints_taken_by_William_James_Herschel_1859-1860_cropped.jpgThe College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (CPSBC) licence renewal for 2014 includes a new requirement that doctors provide their drivers licence information to the College.

Many doctors have contacted the College with concern about this further intrusion into their personal privacy rights. The College has responded that it is required as part of the criminal records check that all practitioners must consent to.

This was explored further through conversations with the CPSBC staff and with staff at the Ministry of Justice.

Is it really necessary for doctors to provide their drivers licence information for a criminal records check? The short answer is no. For more details read on.

Whistle Blowers in Medicine - Do they need help or protection?

 Blowing the whistle on bad medicineListen to this CBC Radio One podcast on whistle blowers in medicine. What do you think?



The Free Software movement reaches thirty years, why is it so important?

Free as in freedom book coverThirty years ago in September 1983 Richard Stallman launched the campaign for freedom in computing, for software to be free. He is the founder and president of the Free Software Foundation (, pioneer of the concept of copyleft and the main author of the GNU General Public License, the most widely used free software license.

He writes, "Non-free software makes users surrender control over their computing to someone else, but now there is another way to lose it: Service as a Software Substitute, or SaaSS, which means letting someone else’s server do your own computing activities. Both non-free software and SaaSS can spy on the user, shackle the user, and even attack the user."

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