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Music, food, dancing and a live auction fundraiser Friday June 23 in Vancouver

Hello everybody - it's time to have some fun while supporting a great cause! The Canadian Society for Science and Ethics in Medicine (CSSEM) is holding its fundraiser this Friday night, June 23, at 6pm at the Cold Tea Restaurant, Vancouver. There will be music, food, dancing and a live auction. Tickets ($60 each which includes food) are available through Hope to see you there! Deadline to purchase tickets is Thursday at 2pm, see

York Hsiang

More than 10,000 people sign petition to repeal BC's Bill 36

Vancouver, BC - February 13, 2023.

More than ten thousand people sign petition opposing Bill 36A petition to repeal BC's Bill 36 - Health Professions and Occupations Act has already gathered more than 10,800 signatures. It was presented to the BC Parliament when the session resumed earlier this month. More signatures are still being collected and will be presented to the House later. It is already one of the largest petitions introduced to the BC Legislature.

The paradox of privacy and security

While privacy and security are a priority for people these days, the things they do to protect themselves may actually undermine it.

With all the spam phone calls, and even text messages, some people have been looking at installing a variety of apps to identify who the caller is. There are quite a few apps for this, but before you leap to installing one take a look at how they work and how it may affect you and your community of contacts in your phone.

Last chance to save BC's crumbling health care system may rest with the silent majority of physicians defeating the PMA


Dr Z. Essak, MD - Vancouver, BC - November 27, 2022.

The BC health care system continues to show larger cracks as it crumbles. Are patients and doctors to believe that the BC NDP Government and the Association of the Doctors of BC have a plan to fix it? You better think again. There is nothing in the Physician Master Agreement (PMA) that is going to fix our health care system. It is not going to restore longitudinal care. It doesn't even pretend to offer a GP for everyone, or even access to timely specialist care or surgery.

While patients are confused as to what will save health care, are doctors blinded by the glitter thrown in their faces? The only hope in sight is if the silent majority of physicians, the seventy percent who don't usually vote, decide this week to cast their vote against the PMA, to Vote "NO" to the PMA, and send a strong message to Government and their own leaders this is not a good fix.

Open letter to the President and President Elect of the CMA

Dear Dr. Smart and Dr. Lafontaine,

Firstly, let us congratulate you, Dr. Smart, on your advocacy for Canadians and Canadian physicians over the past year.  You have spoken well and kindly, placing the issues besetting health care in Canada before Canadians and the Federal government with admirable clarity.

And having known you for many years Dr. Lafontaine, we have great confidence that you will continue this essential advocacy.

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