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Second Opinion re: BCMA Physician Master Agreement

BC doctors have seen several communications from the BCMA/Doctors of BC asking its membership to vote in favour of the 5-year Physician Master Agreement (PMA) by Dec. 4, 2014.

I would like to share my 'second opinion' of this complex agreement, in the sincere hope that it will help stimulate needed discussion and more thoughtful reflection amongst my fellow colleagues.

Initial responses and comments from survey on new agreement

Here are the initial responses and comments received from the survey on the new BC health care agreement with doctors.

The survey is now closed.

Here are the results and comments:

BCMA AGM - Unfunded liabilities?

After the presentation of the Financial Reports at Saturday's AGM of the BCMA I asked Finance Committee Chair a couple of questions. As in the past, what interested me was what had been omitted rather than what had been included.

Page 2 of the 'white paper' report contains a listing of revenue and expenses, and under the latter heading was listed Consulting and Professional Fees in the amount of $998,101.00 This was further broken down on one of the projected slides as indicating that about $250K were 'legal' fees; but no further description.

Grassroots BC doctors launch petition for BCMA to stop further punitive legal action against Dr Caroline Wang

Grassroots BC doctors launched a petition for the BCMA to stop further punitive legal actions against Dr. Caroline Wang available online at and in one week over 180 doctors have signed the petition.

Doctors are being urged to sign the petition, to speak out at the BCMA AGM on May 31, to share the information with their colleagues to stop this injustice.

Some doctors have also added comments to the petition, "Given the context of the Wang story, the chilling effect is absolute".

BCMA election turnout worst ever

Other doctors have said, "Truly pathetic turnout. Hard for me to fathom." and "I cannot believe, this must be lowest count, Wonder why?"

Some of the older doctors and past-presidents will remember Ben Trevino's prescription for a successful BCMA  was  "triple  P", i.e.  the relationship between the  profession, the public and the politician - individually and collectively - in BC.

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