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International Jurists say human rights undermined by measures using fear of terror

The following article appeared on the BBC News in February 2009.

The article begins:

"Anti-terror tactics 'weaken law'

Anti-terror measures worldwide have seriously undermined international human rights law, a report by legal experts says.

After a three-year global study, the International Commission of Jurists said many states used the public's fear of terrorism to introduce measures.

These included detention without trial, illegal disappearance and torture.

BC Doctors requesting a Special General Meeting of the BCMA exceeds 90 percent

Pie chart 95 percent Over nine hundred doctors throughout BC, more than 90 percent of the threshold required, have signed the petition requesting a Special General Meeting of the BCMA to review the BCMA Board conduct and decision to appeal the BC Supreme Court Judgment in Wang v. BC Medical Association (2008 BCSC 1559) and to establish an alternative process to ensure a rapid, equitable remedy ensuring the fair and ethical treatment of all members without incurring further unnecessary legal costs.

BC Supreme Court Judgment slams BCMA Board

In a decision released November 17, 2008 the BC Supreme Court upheld a complaint by Dr. Caroline Wang, the former elected Honorary Secretary-Treasurer of the BCMA, and disbanded a "special committee" appointed by the BCMA Board in February to review Dr. Wang's conduct.

The Court noted that, “at no time has Dr. Wang or her legal counsel been notified of a complaint or an allegation that she violated any provision of the BCMA constitution, bylaws, Code of Conduct, or any common law duty of directors or officers.”

BCMA faces Judicial Review in BC Supreme Court

Vancouver Law Courts

VANCOUVER, BC - On April 10 and 11, 2008 the BC Supreme Court heard the case between Dr. Caroline Wang and the BC Medical Association. On April 7, Dr. Wang filed a petition in the court for a judicial review and a court order to dissolve the conduct review committee of the BCMA citing that she has been denied natural justice. After hearing from both sides the judge has reserved decision until later.  (Addendum: The judge reserved her decision until after May 12, 2008 and delivered a written decision in November 2008.)

What is loud?

This is both a clinical question and an audiophile question. Judging by comments from colleagues over the years I am sure there are some audiophiles amongst us.

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